Oto opinie o najnowszym singlu BC "Stars & Moon"
Link 1
Link 2 - 1 część
Link 2 - 2 część (wywiad z Shanahan)
Link 3
Podsumowanie "osiągnięć" ich utworów z tego roku
Man. 2015 was a really hard year , we really found our selfs and pushed through a lot of bull shit. We took a lot of steps back , a lot of money cuts and turned down a lot of tours because we believed that's what we needed to do in order to grow ... I know some people think we are like crazy rich or something but I assure you that isn't the case . We played shows for FREE this year some of the time because we believed it was for the right cause of moving us forward in where we needed to be . We gave away FREE music with EVERY official release to say THANK YOU to all of you. We acomplished a lot together this year . You guys helped so much in our quest to find happiness . I can tell you one thing , although 2015 was by far the HARDEST year we ever had as a group , it lit a fire under our asses , it made us take control of our art , videos and music. We do EVERYTHING now. We have found a new passion and fallen back in love with doing this. And THAT is what it's about . Politics , drama , internet beef , none of that matters . What matters is YOU , US and this rediculous passion we all have for MUSIC. Thanks to you we accomplished some out of this world goals this year . And I hope 2016 brings even more. We love you guys so fucking much #SVGS
Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika BREATHE CAROLINA (@breathecarolina)
Jest także pomysł, aby opublikować(?) piosenkę FIND SOMEONE zrobioną z Candyland
Film zamieszczony przez użytkownika BREATHE CAROLINA (@breathecarolina)
Niedługo pojawi się 2 część akustycznej EPki
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